Well, last week Kiersten had 2 seizures while at school. They were very short, staring out into space-type. She had been sick the whole week prior with high fever and congestion that kept her from getting a full rest at night. So it is believed that is what triggered the seizures, but also in combination with as she gets bigger, she is naturally weaning herself off her medicines. We went for her neurology appointment (6 month check-up) and as the Doctor looked her over, he believes everything seems fine. She's a little more clumsy lately, but he said that's typical after the seizures and should go away soon. It definitely hasn't stopped her any, she's always on the go! We are going to have blood drawn today to have her levels checked and that will help the Doctor decide how much to up her medicine.
I'm so thankful we have medicine that can help keep these seizures under control. Even though it was a shock for me to face the fact that she still isn't seizure free and we have to start the 2 year countdown again to be off the medicine, it was a reminder that: she's doing much better than before and that God is still in control. I just can't forget that!
Look how much she has changed in one year! She was just so drugged up then!
Now she's so much better!! LOVE her!
I'm so thankful we have medicine that can help keep these seizures under control. Even though it was a shock for me to face the fact that she still isn't seizure free and we have to start the 2 year countdown again to be off the medicine, it was a reminder that: she's doing much better than before and that God is still in control. I just can't forget that!
Look how much she has changed in one year! She was just so drugged up then!
Now she's so much better!! LOVE her!