Christmas Eve with the Ellis Family

Believe it or not, Caleb was actually surprised!!
The boys were pumped for picture time!
My little Mario!!
So I now have 3 1/2 weeks to go!! It's the big countdown!! At my 34 week appt. (6 weeks left) I had a sonogram, baby looked great, we still don't know the sex!! (Starting to drive me crazy, now that I'm trying to get things prepared) I know the surprise will be so worth it though!! They were also able to see about how much the baby was weighing that day. The baby was 5 1/2 pounds! Doctor Wilson said that day that he will probably want to induce me at 38 or 39 weeks because if not, I might have a 10 pounder!! I thought Caleb was big at 9lbs. 2oz.!!! I think it would be great if he induces at 39 weeks, that would be on Valentine's Day!! Of course, any day will do! Just a healthy baby is what I'm wanting!! My most recent doctor's appt was on Monday, (going weekly now), I gained 3 more pounds and am measuring 1 cm larger. I'm actually shocked that this is the first time for me to measure big with this one. I always measured larger with Caleb and Carleigh. Since I am now he has already set up for a sonogram at 38 weeks so we can see the size of the baby. I can't wait to see how much the baby is weighing when 4 weeks prior was 5 1/2 pounds! Just makes me think of having the sonogram the day before Caleb was born and the sono said he was 8lbs 10oz. and he came out bigger!! Here's a pic of me at 36 weeks, even though Beau says I already look bigger.