Friday, March 20, 2009

We are truly blessed!

Yes, it is me and I survived yet another natural childbirth!! I didn't forget about my blog! Its amazing how busy you get after having your third child! I have wanted to update this forever, but the minute I sit down, I actually just want to sit, or maybe sleep! On February 16, I was blessed with my 8lb 4oz. baby GIRL Kiersten Marie who was 19 inches long! As I type, she is now realizing I'm getting something done on my to-do list and starting to wake up!! That is perfect timing, just like a new baby!! :) But I will take every bit of it!! Anyways, gotta make this quick! We were definitely surprised! Those who don't know, we waited the 9 months to find out what the sex was! I think everyone should do that!! It was very exciting!! The entire family took a poll before I had Kiersten and everyone raised their hand to say it was going to be a boy! Beau and I were in shock for at least a couple days! It was a wonderful surprise! So here are some pictures from that day!

Beau and I waiting for the pitocin to bring on the pain.
Beau & Caleb waiting...
Carleigh waiting...
The kiddos seeing Kiersten for the first time!
Beau and My Amazing Dr.
Mimi & Kiersten
Nana with all her grandchildren
Proud Uncle Blake
Big Sister couldn't wait to hold a real baby!
Our little copy cat with Aunt Kristen!
Great Aunt Robin with KierstenOur Newest Blessing
Close Up!
Going Home Outfit
Carleigh looking in on Kiersten!
Just a quick note to Jennifer! Don't believe everyone when they say the third is the quickest! My labor with Kiersten was the longest! But I will pray it is quick for you!! Congratulations on being in your 3rd trimester!! Getting closer!


Jessica Leija said...

I thought BOY too! I was shocked when I heard girl! Usually I am right...not this time! I can't believe I haven't seen her yet! :-/ And in the last photo she SO looks like Beau! Love you girl...MISS YOU!

Lindbergfam said...

Natural???? YOU GO GIRL!!!! YOU NEED A MEDAL...I mean 3 medals :) She is beautiful!!! You guys have such a pretty family!

Constance said...

Congrats Chelsey! I had all 4 of mine natural too, But for the record, Laura was my 3rd and she came 2 hours after I got to the hospital! I still need to make it over for a visit. I was heading to St Louis when you had her and then I had knee surgery tight after i got back in town.

Krystal said...

I have been waiting for this post forever!!!

Love you guys!!!

Jenn said...

Thanks Chels...that was sweet of you to single me out! I'm hanging in there. The pics are so sweet and cute! Congratulations, 2 girls are so much fun!!

Julie B said...

That picture of Carleigh looking in the bassinet is PRECIOUS. Her little chin resting on the side.
So sweet how she was once your baby, but now she's a little mommy!

timpike64 said...

Congratulations Beau and Chelsey,

Kiersten Marie is very cute!
Each of you should be very proud! There is no doubt your children will grow up to successful, loving and caring.

Tim & Sherri