Monday, February 21, 2011

This is the Stuff...

Crazy, I know...2 blog posts in one day! I feel so very blessed, and I feel like I need to climb on top of my roof and scream it out loud. The furthest I went was facebook, though! I updated my status, pretty radical, I know! I posted that I'm thankful for the birds singing, but it's not just that they are singing. It's the fact that our amazing God created these beautiful little creatures that can chirp out such wonderful melodies. There is also something about the birds chirping that remind me that God created this huge world, but he also created me, and what am I going to do with His creations? Am I doing all that God has planned for me, right now, in this moment. I love it how our thoughts, and God's word, and the music we hear can all come together and makes sense as if it is God standing right before us saying, "Do you get it? Do you get this message I've been trying to give to you?" I'm thankful. I'm thankful for all the material things in my life. I'm thankful for all the laundry in my life. I'm thankful for a sweet, gorgeous, wonderful, loving, hard-working man that takes care of me. I'm thankful for my kids that drive me so crazy that I wonder, was there ever a time I was not crazy? I'm thankful for this gorgeous weather. I'm thankful for family members that love me. I'm thankful for Jesus who died for my sins. I'm thankful for my health, the fact that I can see God's beauty, my hearing that I can hear those sweet birds. I'm thankful that I get to hug my children everyday and tell them that I love them. No, I promise I'm not losing it at the moment. I'm just having one of those emotional moments where I feel overwhelmingly thankful for all that is in my life. The good and the bad. I'm finding joy in what God has for me. I heard this song today and it helps describe how I'm feeling! Enjoy! :)

1 comment:

Michaela said...

Preach it, sister!