Well, while I'm snowed/iced in with nothing to do! The last 3 days were going well, but now the cabin-fever is starting to settle in! I can't believe I'm about to say it, but I definitely am missing school. I know I will be eating those words later. We have had a great break though! Playing games, watching movies, and baking in the kitchen together! Carleigh had a high fever due to the flu (thankful she had the flue shot, which made the experience not so bad) so the break gave her the time needed to feel better. Hopefully Beau, Caleb, and I will be able to stay flu-free this season. Kiersten had it the week previous to Carleigh.
So, now that I took a year and a half off from blogging, I have so much to say and I guess I just need to find the time to blog all of it! :)
What has the Ellis family been up to?
Beau is still athletic director at Selwyn the private school here in Denton. He does a great job at what he does. He's finishing up with coaching the high school boys in basketball and will begin coaching soccer in March. He continues to play soccer with his friends on Sunday nights and any other times he can squeeze it in!
I am putting myself, yet again, through 15 hours of school this semester. I'm suppose to have 4 classes in the summer and start student teaching Fall of this year, and graduate May 2012. Just found out one of the classes I need during the summer is not offered. So...what am I to do? Well I was suppose to meet with my advisor tomorrow to find out, but they are closed now. It may or may not put me a whole semester off, but somehow I will get that degree in my hands one day. I am getting my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies Grades 4-8 in Language Arts with an ESL certification. My schedule is so good this semester! I'm going to school on Tuesdays & Thursdays with one class on Wednesday afternoons. This leaves M/W/F during the day to do homework so I'm not having to struggle with the balancing of school and being mom. So I think this semester might go a lot easier than the last...I'm hopeful anyways! :)
Caleb just turned 8 in January! With this birthday came the realization that he will be graduating high school in just 10 short years! *tear* He is such a great big brother and am so proud of him. Caleb is doing very well in school and he loves it! He's going to be tested for the gifted and talented program (EXPO) in the next couple weeks. He will also start soccer practices to get ready for the Upward soccer season in March. He keeps busy with all the books he's reading. He loves all the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' books.
Carleigh, oh our crazy little 4 year old! She's so humorous these days! She is all about being a princess, and obsessed with getting married! Really??? She continues to ask me about when she can get married to her prince and wear a pretty white dress. Carleigh also is doing very well in school. The teacher told us at her conference that she is so advanced and she has never done this before, but wants to start working with Carleigh on reading. (This is the 3 year old class) She loves her brother and sister so much! She always wants to just be with her brother and a little mama to Kiersten.
Kiersten is doing so great! She has now been 1 year free of seizures! We feel so grateful that she is doing so well. She still isn't talking, but has definitely found her voice over the last couple months. We are slowly working on the potty training thing. The other two kids were pretty easy to potty train, Kiersten however, is S-T-U-B-B-O-R-N!! Good thing she is so stinkin' cute! I think she know she is the baby of the family. Her personality is coming out so much and her facial expressions are priceless!
Here's a picture from when we saw Beauty & the Beast the other day!
What has the Ellis family been up to?
Beau is still athletic director at Selwyn the private school here in Denton. He does a great job at what he does. He's finishing up with coaching the high school boys in basketball and will begin coaching soccer in March. He continues to play soccer with his friends on Sunday nights and any other times he can squeeze it in!
I am putting myself, yet again, through 15 hours of school this semester. I'm suppose to have 4 classes in the summer and start student teaching Fall of this year, and graduate May 2012. Just found out one of the classes I need during the summer is not offered. So...what am I to do? Well I was suppose to meet with my advisor tomorrow to find out, but they are closed now. It may or may not put me a whole semester off, but somehow I will get that degree in my hands one day. I am getting my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies Grades 4-8 in Language Arts with an ESL certification. My schedule is so good this semester! I'm going to school on Tuesdays & Thursdays with one class on Wednesday afternoons. This leaves M/W/F during the day to do homework so I'm not having to struggle with the balancing of school and being mom. So I think this semester might go a lot easier than the last...I'm hopeful anyways! :)
Caleb just turned 8 in January! With this birthday came the realization that he will be graduating high school in just 10 short years! *tear* He is such a great big brother and am so proud of him. Caleb is doing very well in school and he loves it! He's going to be tested for the gifted and talented program (EXPO) in the next couple weeks. He will also start soccer practices to get ready for the Upward soccer season in March. He keeps busy with all the books he's reading. He loves all the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' books.

WOO HOO, welcome back!! I had a dream about your guys the other day. It was Tuesday, and my dream was that despite the weather I decided to ride my bike to Dention to visit. I got there (and you guys didn't know I was coming - yes it was clear that everyone thought it was odd that I rode my bike to Denton in the freezing temp. and I didn't even let you know, haha. Anyway, I was there like 10 mins. and decided I should head back. On my way back the wind was so strong that I couldn't move and instead of turning around I called Dustin to come get me...and that was when I woke up. I love strange dreams!
welcome back! I still check in, not really expecting to read anything and VOILA, here you are!
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