Sunday, December 21, 2008
Angels we have heard on High!!
I'm not doing too well on this blogging everyday thing, am I?? With class parties and baking this last week, it's been sorta crazy! The saddest part for me is that I haven't been able to read other peoples blogs, which is my favorite thing to do!! So today, I thought I would combine some ornaments and decor to play a little bit of catch up! Anyone who knows me, knows my love for angels! When mom let us go pick out an ornament, I fell in love with this angel ornament, the clay type. Something about those clay ornaments, I love! They are so unique to me! So I have ended up with a bunch of these on my tree!
I found this cookie jar one year after Christmas, during the big sales! I thought I would get it ahead of time to give to someone for Christmas the following year, but of course when the next Christmas came around, I loved it too much. What's on it?? A clay Angel! I just wish I could change the Happy Holidays to Merry Christmas! That's all I have to say about that!
My first Christmas as a Mama!! My mother-n-law gave this to me! I love it! The star that floats behind it says, "Angels are mommies with wings." With the way I took the picture you can't see the wings on the mommy, but they are there! I always think of how special that first Christmas with Caleb was, watching him open up his first set of Christmas gifts! So this holds a lot of memories for me! Thank you Lori!
Another Angel ornament that I love!! I believe Beau and I were together for our second Christmas during our dating years. We were having our Christmas with his parents, and remember I'm just the girlfriend. So I felt extremely special when Lori pulled out gifts from under the tree from Beau's grandma Ruthie, and there was a gift for me!! Lil' ol' Me!! I don't know if she knew my love for angels, or she just happened to get it right, but this was definitely special to me. It still is!! I felt so loved! I just love the memories that can flash when you pull one item out of your Christmas boxes!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care!
These stockings are so special to me! Every year I'm so excited to put them out, and actually I make sure I'm the one that gets to put them out! I love looking at them! Beau's mama made each of these for us! So when Beau and I were married I got my very own cross-stitched stocking! Definitely made me feel like part of the family! Lori has a talent! She knows how much I love angels, so she did good! This picture doesn't quite do them justice! They are so detailed! So, this is my favorite decor for today!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hey Santa!
So one of my favorite things to do this time of year is get the new picture with Santa!! This was going to be one of my favorites to blog about one day this week, so here is my frame that holds the "Santa" picture! I love it! Didn't love the price I paid though! Love those prices in the mall to smile with Santa! This picture is from last year!
Are you ready to see this years??
Here it is...Christmas picture with Santa 2008!!
Here it is...Christmas picture with Santa 2008!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas, really, I am!
These ornaments are from my dear friend Jessica! I can't remember for sure which Christmas it was from, but I'm pretty sure it was in our stage where we thought it was cool to where a white t-shirt and jeans with a flannel shirt tied around out waist, along with socks and birkenstocks. Haha...those we're the days! Did you make these Jess? You were always so creative! I love them, they bring me back to my youthful days when all we listened to was Jesus Freak by DC Talk!! Bet you didn't know that two of my favorite ornaments were from you Miss Jess!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Oh Santa, you were good to me!
Congratulations Bryan & Heather!!
I have been away from blogging, but I have been busy! One of my closest friends went in on Monday to be induced to have her little girl! So on Dec. 8 little Miss Finlee Avis arrived! 7lbs 12 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long!! She is just beautiful!! I have been ready to have my baby just because of feeling uncomfortable, but after meeting Finlee I'm extremely eager to meet my own now! Plus then I can hold my baby all I want! For some reason Heather and her family just won't let her go!! HAHA!! I will show you pictures and you will see why! I'm so proud of Heather!! This is her first baby, so you're usually a little nervous, but she did great!! Oh... and good job Bryan because without you I guess there would be no beautiful little girl. I suppose you did help some! LOL So I will stop talking now and show some pictures!!
Modeling the hospital gown prior to Finlee's arrival!
Monday, December 8, 2008
My goldfish Daphne!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Awe...memories from ornaments!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Mama!
Jessica's copy cat! :)
Okay...I know I don't get to update my blog daily, so this won't be an everyday thing for me. I have started at least checking the blog everyday because I want to see what Jessica and her mom list as their special ornament for that day. So...I want to participate as well! The only thing different I will be doing is also including some of my favorite decorations that are around the house! For my very first ornament I want to share with you will be...
It reads: Together Forever Chelsey & Beau! After we had been together just a little over a year while dating, it was our 2nd Christmas and I gave this to him! I love looking at it and remembering that I knew for sure he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with! Haha, whether he liked it or not I said together forever!! This is my all time favorite one to hang each year! Well, now I feel like I need to include a picture of us! I love this man God blessed me with!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Ellis Fam Lately...
We have had such a great break! A lot of family time together, which I love!! We had a great Thanksgiving day with both my family and Beau's family together! Lots of great food and memories! We even managed to get the dads to play catch phrase with us! Another day during our break we packed a picnic and took the kids to the park! That was fun for a our little family of four! For the first time, we decorated the house, Christmas Style, before Thanksgiving. I'm not big on doing this, but my hubby wanted to clean out the attic his first day of break. Who knows why, but he did. So while having everything down from the attic, we figured it would be best to go ahead and put out Christmas decor. We did wait to decorate the tree though. After family pictures last Saturday we came home and decorated the tree while in our attire from the pictures.
Caleb putting the first ornament up!
Daddy helping Carleigh out! Caleb's got it down!
Carleigh thinks you attach the ornament to the light!
Now she gets it! After every ornament being hung, she yells, "Got It!"
Caleb got a hold of the camera!
Daddy helping with the high points!
I had been seeing it all day and couldn't resist taking a picture!
Hmmm...wonder where Carleigh was hanging ornaments....
Caleb was excited about hanging the star!

Saturday, November 22, 2008
On the 5th day God made the birds to GLIDE ACROSS THE SKY!!
So let me tell you about my morning yesterday!!! Carleigh's time to be at preschool is 9 am. I told the teachers I just can't do that, so I made my new time of arriving at her school 9:15. Because it's just a preschool, they really don't care, but at least I'm consistent on the 9:15 time. They were having a Grandparent's Tea yesterday, beginning time: 9am. I was bound and determined to make it there on time, because I didn't want grandparents waiting on little Miss Carleigh. I felt I was doing good on my schedule, getting myself and Carleigh ready for the day. I was getting Carleigh's clothes out and I heard an AWFUL, LOUD NOISE! It continued...I knew the weather got a little colder over the night and it had been windy, but I didn't remember anything about sleet in a weather report. It sounded like really loud sleet, hail, or something like that. Did I say that it was loud?? It caught me off guard and really scared me. I made my way out of Carleigh's room and look out the open window across the living room. It looked clear outside. I was confused....I still heard the noises and realized that the sound was coming from my right. I turned into my kitchen and looked up. That's when I saw was huge...right on top of my skylight, but wait, there was like 4 more of them!!! Yes, it twas... a BIG BLACK BIRD right smack in the middle of the skylight!!! Maybe big isn't right... HUGE!! It totally scared the heebie jeebies out of me!!! I was able to do what you're suppose to do in this sort of crisis situation, grab your cell phone and take a quick picture, run out of the kitchen because you know they are trying to make it in through your skylight to come in and peck your eyes out or something. Okay... maybe not that extreme, but the thought did cross my mind. I remember when I was little I wanted to see a scary movie, I was probably like 10. My mom said, "Oh I have a scary movie for you, it scared me when I saw it, it was "The Birds." So I watched this "scary" movie and thought how lame! It didn't scare me at all when I was younger, but it's funny how now when things like this happen I can now be scared because of this movie. Haha, thanks Mom! Seriously though, if you would have heard the constant pecking and clawing to my skylight, which I'm sure is just hard plastic, I just knew they were going to be swooping their way in any moment. I'm including the only picture that I could get, and the black thing is just the head of one. They were huge!!! Thankfully they didn't make their way in. So long story longer...I didn't make it to Carleigh's school till 9:10. Grandparents weren't totally shocked that I was late, but teachers were surprised that I made it 5 minutes early. HAHAHA!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Prego Update
I had my doctor check-up today and all is going great! I have gained 4 lbs in the last month. That's really good for me since I'm the one that tends to gain double that in one month!! I'm measuring 27 centimeters, so 1 cm larger then I'm suppose to be, but I have always measured larger!! Doc didn't seem to mind! I did the glucose test today! So yummy orange drink for me! I'm thankful it's never bothered me to drink that! It taste like a Sunkist that's gone a little flat. Luckily for me, I like Sunkist and I'm majorly craving it during this pregnancy! Which brings me to another thought... I really hope my love for Sunkist and Welches Grape Soda didn't have any effect on my glucose screening. They each have 53 grams of sugar in each can!! So yesterday I refrained from having one! This morning I decided to eat a couple of bowls of oatmeal instead of my 3 bowls of frosted flakes! I was pretty proud of myself! The baby is moving like crazy, haha, probably from all the sugar intake! Caleb was just watching my stomach yesterday in awe and he said, "Mama, that's so weird." I think he was pretty amazed by it! I have to also brag about my doctor for a minute!! He is so amazing and you can just see the love of Christ in him! He is a wonderful man, and I'm so fortunate to have a doctor with my same beliefs! Normally people don't like to wait to see their doctor, but for me it can be a treat! If we're waiting to see him, it's usually because he is delivering a baby! You can see his love and passion for what he does. After he delivers a baby he comes back so energized and even more excited about life then before!! Shouldn't we always be this excited about life??? God gives us this one life to live, why not be happy during it? I definitely have a lot to be happy for!! I'm so thankful for a gracious God who loves me unconditionally, this healthy pregnancy, my 2 healthy adorable children, an amazing husband, my loving supportive family, and a wonderful doctor who isn't just about making money, but who is genuinely interested in my life, health, and my baby! Thank you Dr. Marc Wilson for your awesomeness!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Finally some Halloween pics!
Here are the pics from the kiddos trick-or-treating! We were able to go with Beau's Uncle Randy and Aunt Heather with their two adorable children Ava and Bradyn! It was great!! So, I know I'm kinda late on these, but here ya go!
My pretty pink poodle!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Ode to my Father-N-Law
It came to my attention that I had not said a thank you to my father-n-law, Russ for all his help with Lori's party! He helped a lot, in providing the food, which was a BIG weight off my shoulders! So here's a special thank you to you!!
Thank you Russ for helping with Lori's big day;
Without you there would have been no other way!
You provided all drinks and great food,
and you were even in a good mood!
So thank you Russ;
For never throwing a fuss!
With you I always have a ball;
I couldn't ask for a better father-n-law!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Lori's 50th BDay Party
HAPPY 50th Birthday Lori!!! So I threw a surprise party for my mother-n-law's 50th birthday and of course it never ends up being a surprise, especially for Lori!! HAHA!! She figures everything out, but it was fun planning everything! I think everyone had a really good time! I know I did! It was a great turnout! Lori has a lot of really wonderful friends. Beau's Uncle Randy and Aunt Heather drove all the way from Iowa with their two precious little ones, Ava & Brayden! Now that is a lonnnnggg trip! It was so sweet that they came though!! Phyllis & David flew in from out of state just for Lori and I thought that was really sweet!! So thank you to all the people that came to the party and a special thanks to Beau for helping me out and keeping me sane before the party. Thank you Miss Tarynn and Heather for helping me set up for the party! Oh... BJ & Blake thank you for doing whatever I barked at you to do!! It really did help!! So finally here are some pics from that shindig!
The Food!
I had pics all over the house of Lori and her life thus far!
The yummy cake!!
Lori the Bee!
Lori's Buddies!

Randy and Beau (a blind referee)

David, Phyllis and Aunt Sandy!

Blake, Tarynn, & BJ

Uncle Randy & Cutie Pie Bradyn!!

My mom (the prairie lady) and dad with my Carleigh, who refused to put on a costume!
Randy and Beau (a blind referee)
David, Phyllis and Aunt Sandy!
Blake, Tarynn, & BJ
Uncle Randy & Cutie Pie Bradyn!!
My mom (the prairie lady) and dad with my Carleigh, who refused to put on a costume!
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